Welcome to the Alumni Blog of Room 7 Maungatapere School

This Blog is the Alumni Blog of Room 7 Maungatapere School - Inquire-it.Alumni are welcome to tell us about their news, achievements, successors or just what’s happening in life.

Friday 20 April 2012

40 Hour Famine

Maungatapere School is going hard out for the hungry in the 40 Hour Famine This Year.

You can join Maungatapere School in the 40 Hour Famine by signing up at:
And join Maungatapere in the Schools/Groups.
Ask your parents first .

The 40 Hour Famine Is On The 25-27 May

By Kieran Ruffell

Monday 19 December 2011

2011 Year 8 Graduation

Here are the first graduates (Alumni) from Room 7. Well done team we made it!!!!